Mentalism for the Hypnotists


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Your guide for this adventure!

Master Hypnotist and Mentalist Tracy Gray

Watch the video above to see the first effect you will learn in Mentalism for the Hypnotist. This was some footage from my event last weekend where I did both stage and strolling. The strolling add-on was a big reason I got the gig and they loved it!

For the upcoming training session I wanted to offer a special! Book by February 1st to receive $150 off. 

The class will be videoed in high quality and available for you. This way you can focus on the
learning in class knowing you will have the material ready for you to check out when you get home.

I’m getting excited! We are going to have a great time.


Next Live Session November 8-10 in Denver

Would you like to…

  • Add another dimension to your hypnosis show?
  • Never worry about failure again?
  • Set yourself apart in the hypnosis world?
  • Have another skill to pitch clients?

What will you experience?

In this three-day intensive class, you can expect to learn the basics of mentalism as well as practical effects to add to your shows immediately.  You will learn to perform for individuals and small groups before or after the show as well as large audiences during your show.

Imagine being able to walk up to a total stranger and know their favorite two digit number or the name of their best friend or childhood pet.  You will be able to bend metal with your mind and predict the score of the next sports game. You can use your abilities to read body language and elicit hypnotic phenomenon with absolutely no chance of failure.   Imagine your audience members freely choosing numbers that when added up match the number you predicted on stage!

This class is special and unique because you will be learning to use the “Tools” of mentalism.   Not only will you leave with “ready to go” effects, you will have the confidence to begin building more of your own.

You can use these mentalism effects at the beginning of your hypnosis show to build rapport with the audience.  This will make you look even more amazing and your audience will be sure you ARE the hypnotist. You also know there can be rare shows with a small unresponsive audience.  With the information from this class, you will be able to move your show from strictly hypnosis to mind blowing mentalism in a smooth confident way. This can turn a mediocre hypnosis show into an awesome mentalism experience and could be the difference between keeping and losing a client!

Finally, do not expect to be in a classroom the entire time.  We will be out in the field on Friday and Saturday evening to practice our newfound skills.  This will give you the confidence to freak people out the minute you get home.

Who is my guide for this adventure?

Master Hypnotist and Mentalist Tracy Gray has been performing mentalism for real people over the last 12 years.  She performs for high school, college and corporate audiences and loves how mentalism adds to a hypnosis show. Tracy is also a college professor with 29 years of teaching experience.  She loves when students succeed and strives to make sure each student gets everything they need to be confident with their new skills.

Student Testimonials

Kevin Cole Testimonial

Student Testimonials

Tracy has stage trained with Dr. Jim Wand.  Jim is a well-known hypnotic entertainer with over 11,000 professional engagements to his credit. Dr. Wand knows the value of providing additional value to the customer thus receiving multiple repeat and referral shows. Jim says, “Having Tracy teach you a mentalist skill set as an additional tool to utilize in demonstrations, performances and speaking engagements is extremely valuable”.

Kenda Summers is a much sought after mentalist and hypnotic performer who got her start in Canada and is now a U.S. citizen. She just finished performing 66 shows for the Illinois State fair and was glad she had the mentalism skills to utilize when the audience was too small to do a full stage hypnosis show.  She also utilized several effects to open her hypnosis show as needed. Her practical application of these skills assisted in turning an OK show into a great performance.

Michael C Anthony is also a highly sought after mentalist and has used mentalism in his show for a long time.  He also believes it is a valuable addition to any show.

Here are just a few of the tools and effects you will learn!

Tools provided for you at no extra cost!  

  • Nail writer
  • Center Tear Pad
  • Metal Bending
  • Add a Number Pad
  • Cards for Mentalism
  • ESP cards
  • Out to lunch Principle
  • And much much more!

Remember you are not just watching a demonstration of these tools, you will actually learn to use them.  There is a big difference in understanding the basics of an effect and understanding how to turn it into real magic.  Each tool can be used for a variety of effects and will amaze those around you either in strolling or stage situations.

Class Location

Class will be November 8-10 in Denver, CO. The hotel location will be announced soon.

Class Schedule

Class begins at 4pm on Friday by learning two effects you can do immediately.  Then we will take to the streets for some FUN practice. Saturday will be an intensive 12-hour day with the introduction, demonstration, and practice with many more tools.  Again, that night we will head back to the streets for more FUN! You WILL learn and be ready to make these effects your own. Finally, Sunday we will continue to refine our skills!

Class Fee

The fee for this 3 day intensive mentalism class is ONLY $1047.00 $947.00! Remember, your mentalism tools are included in this fee! If you want to book all-inclusive package, that option is also available. All student will be provided lunch at the event.

This short lecture will give you some of the most valuable techniques for gaining rapport and adding a POP to your show. I am a true believer that it has increased the value of my show, given me something to upsell, and even helped me close deals for a show. The most important thing you need to know is the magician’s creed. NEVER TELL YOUR SECRETS! With this type of material, it is critical if you want to maintain your persona. Still to this day, my very best friends do not know how I do what I do. It has served me well. I hope you enjoy the material.

1. Nail Writer/Swami Gimmick/Thumb Writer

There are several different types of writers and it really is all personal preference. My preferences is the Bug Writer which can be purchased at many different magic shops. I get most of my mentalism tools from Penguin Magic, Hocus Pocus Magic and Stevens Magic. You are only limited by your imagination on the variety of effects that can be achieved. I use this prop for walk around, stage and it is my “go to” tool to use to sell a show.

2. Modified Nail Stab

This is a wonderful quick effect that can be used at the beginning of your show to demonstrate how hypnosis teaches you how to “influence” choices.

3. Stage Sized “Out to Lunch” principle

This is the tool I use if I ever need to move away from Hypnosis and into a Mentalism show. It is a way to hypnotize, without hypnosis. It is a dual reality effect where the audience convinces the volunteer that they must have been hypnotized.

4. Add-a-number Principle

This is a great finale effect. There are lots of marketed Add-A-Number pads on the market. I use the Kozar Pad. Again, there are lots of ways you can use an add a number pad to do various different effects.

Like what you see? Looking for more?

If you like what you learned in this short lecture, imagine how you could improve your shows after a 2 ½ day class! In my Mentalism for the Hypnotist full class, you will learn to use more tools and how to use them to produce a full mentalism show. You will even get the chance to practice and perform with real people. This will allow you to gain the confidence and skills to develop your own unique show using the tools from class. In the class, all tools are provided.

Where do I sign up?

Simply sign up by adding the class to your cart using the button below!

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For More Information

Call 303-947-1837 or email

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